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Graduate Competencies

Graduate Competencies :

1/ Preparing and qualifying students practically, professionally and educationally to obtain academic approval in accordance with faculty’s curriculum

2/ Providing educational and scientific research opportunities to obtain higher academic degrees in the field of specializations at the afculty

“3/ Working to implement the state’s policies and programmes at the federal and state levels.”

v”Conducting scientific and applied studies and research that help advance the nation and its citizens.

5/ Simplifying knowledge and disseminating it through various means.

“6/ Establishing and developing relationships with relevant authorities both domestically and internationally.

خريج الاجهزة الطبية: 1/ المقدرة علي إجراء أعمال الصيانة الدورية لمنظومات الأجهزة الطبية.

2/ The ability to diagnose and repair medical devices of various types.

3/The ability to understand the developments occurring in medical devices.

4/ The ability to read engineering drawings and request spare parts.

خريج الهندسة الكهربائية الكترونيات: / المقدرة علي إجراء أعمال الصيا

2/ Ability to identify electronic faults in various electrical devices and repair them.”

3/ The ability to understand the advancements in the field of electronics.

4/ The ability to read engineering drawings and request spare parts.

خريج الهندسة الميكانيكية سيارات: 1. المقدرة على تحديد الاعطال الميكانيكية والكهربائية للسيارات الصغيرة والكبيرة واصلاحها.

2/ Performing routine maintenance on all gasoline and diesel engines

3. Training skilled workers in the field of mechanical engineering and enhancing their skills to a higher level.

4. Organizing work and applying the best methods to improve maintenance while following security and safety procedures.

Civil engineering graduate in construction: 1/ Reading maps, designs, and construction sketches of various types.

2/ Mapping and implementing according to the required technical specifications in practice.

3/ Direct on-site supervision and participation in the execution of structural designs on location.

4/ Participation in the preparation of quantity tables and estimates for construction materials and other building requirements.

5/ Field sampling and conducting laboratory tests for construction materials.

Graduate Statistics

“The faculty has graduated

Batch 18

Number of graduates

3013 graduates

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